4 Signs You Have Poor IAQ in Canyon, TX

Since you likely spend a lot of time indoors, you’ll want to ensure your Canyon, TX home has excellent indoor air quality (IAQ). If not, it could impact your health and home in a variety of ways. Keep reading to learn about some signs that could indicate poor IAQ.

1. Chronic Respiratory Issues

Most people deal with respiratory issues occasionally, such as coughing, sneezing, congestion and sore throats. These symptoms typically go away on their own or with medication. Symptoms that linger for more than a few weeks could point to poor IAQ.

Without proper air filtration or systems to improve interior air quality, contaminants like dust, pollen and biological spores can circulate in your home. Those pollutants can irritate your respiratory system and make it harder to breathe.

2. Sleep Disruptions

Poor IAQ can also negatively affect your sleep. Breathing air filled with particulates or pollutants can prevent you from relaxing fully, even if the air conditioner or heater is on and the temperature is comfortable. Struggling to fall asleep, frequently waking and feeling unrested in the morning can all serve as signs of compromised IAQ.

3. Dry or Irritated Skin

Living in a home with poor air quality could affect your skin. Your skin could feel dry, develop rashes, peel or flake if you don’t have good IAQ. Any of these conditions can cause discomfort, but improving your IAQ could help alleviate them.

4. Persistent Bad Odors

When it comes to IAQ, smells can provide you with a lot of information to determine the source. Without a mechanism to help clean or filter your air, smoke and other strong smells could remain in your home and potentially cause headaches or nausea.

Experiencing any of these problems should prompt you to have your IAQ checked. If you need help improving your indoor air quality in Canyon, TX, call us at Caprock Services Heating & Air.

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