4 Signs of a Dirty AC Evaporator Coil in Bushland, TX

The evaporator coil is an important component of your AC system when it comes to keeping your home cool this summer. Unfortunately, if this coil gets dirty, it can’t function properly. The evaporator coil isn’t easily visible, so you need to recognize these four signs that alert you when it’s time to schedule a cleaning in Bushland, TX.

1. Poor Cooling

If your Bushland, TX home is warmer than it should be or takes a long time to cool down, a dirty evaporator coil could be the problem. This is especially true if it seems like your AC is constantly running but never reaches your desired temperature.

2. Longer Cycles

Once your evaporator coil is dirty, your AC will be running for longer cycles in order to keep you comfortable. If the air your AC produces isn’t cool enough, the system will work harder in an attempt to lower your home’s temperature.

3. Higher Energy Bills

Since your AC system is running longer cycles in an attempt to cool your Bushland, TX home, it’ll be using more energy. You’ll start to see your monthly energy bills go up. If you’ve been noticing an increase in these charges, and nothing else in your home is different, a dirty evaporator coil could be the reason why.

4. System Shut Down

When condensation forms over a layer of dirt on your evaporator coil, it can freeze. This will cause your AC system to completely shut down.

Don’t panic. You probably won’t need a new AC installation. Cleaning the evaporator coil should solve the problem.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues with your AC, we can check your evaporator coils. If we find dirt, we’ll clean the evaporator coil so your AC system can once again effectively keep your home cool. Call Caprock Services Heating & Air for all of your AC repair needs.

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